Sunday, December 17, 2006


"There is a kind of hypocrisy which is worse than that of the Pharisees; it is to hide behind Christ's example in order to follow one's own lustful desires and to seek out the company of the dissolute."

"Martyrdom is not gallantly standing before a firing squad. Usually it is the losing of a job because of not taking a loyalty oath, or buying a war bond, or paying a tax. Martyrdom is small, hidden, misunderstood."

"Christ continues to die in His martyrs all over the world, in His Mystical Body, and it is this dying, not the killing in wars, which will save the world."

"It is simpler just to be poor...The main thing is not to hold on to anything. But the tragedy is that we do, we all do hold on-to our boooks, our tools,... and instead of rejoicing when the are taken from us we lament."

"The saint does not have to bring about great temporal achievements; he is one who succeeds in giving us at least a glimpse of eternity depite the thick opacity of time."

"One must be humble only from a divine motive, otherwise humility is a debasing and repulsive attitude. To be humble and meek for love of God-that is beautiful. But to be humble and meek because your bread and butter depends on it is awful. It is to lose one's sense of human dignity."

"In this present situation when people are starving to death because there is an overabundance of food, when religion is being warred upon throughout the world, our Catholic young people still come from schools and colleges and talk about looking for security, a weekly wage.
They ignore the counsels of the Gospels as though they had never heard of them, and those who are troubled in conscience regarding them speak of them as being impractical.
Why they think a weekly wage is going to give them security is a mystery."

All quotes by Dorothy Day.

I hold Dorothy Day in very high regard. I suggest you google her and find out a little bit about her. She could be very abrasive, and I'm sure a lot of you wouldn't agree with a lot of her stands, but it's hard to ignore the power of a life lived like hers.

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